A European clustering study with Knowledge Transfer Office DNA
Congratulations to Laura Kreiling for her article, co-writting with John [...]
Congratulations to Laura Kreiling for her article, co-writting with John [...]
Laura Kreiling will defend her PhD thesis entitled: "Intermediaries in [...]
Congratulations to Laura Kreiling and Ahmed Bounfour for their article [...]
Les résultats de recherche de la Chaire Européenne de l’Immatériel [...]
Laura Kreiling presented her paper “ASTP New Metrics Committee – [...]
Laura Kreiling presented her paper “Grouping similar knowledge transfer organizations [...]
Laura Kreiling presented her paper “Finding your peers – towards [...]
Laura Kreiling is giving two training sessions to technology transfer [...]
Laura Kreiling participated at World Open Innovation Conference (WOIC) wich [...]
Ahmed Bounfour and Laura Kreiling attended at ASTP-Proton Fall Meeting [...]