Le lundi 28 avril 2014, José de Sousa présentera les thèmes de recherche du laboratoire en lien avec les Big Data dans le cadre du projet Center for Data Science, auquel participe le RITM. La présentation aura lieu au Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique de Paris Sud de 10h à 13h30. Un café sera offert aux participants à partir de 9h30 et un déjeuner buffet sera servi après le séminaire vers midi. Vous voulez participer? Toutes les informations sont ici.
The aim of this presentation is twofold: first, to present briefly the RITM’s main areas of research in relation with big data; second, to provide an occasion for cooperative discussion and interaction between researchers from different areas with confluent research interests on big data.
RITM is the Research Center on Economics and Management of Paris Sud. It brings its expertise in two main fields: (1) Networks and Innovation (studying new information technologies and communication, privacy and social networks, electro-mobility, venture capital,…); (2) Globalization and Territories (studying the factors that shape the economic space, the international organization of production and trade flows).
Big data is a challenge for economics and management. We face hard time dealing with its complexity and heterogeneity. As stated in the Paris-Saclay Center Data Science (CDS)’s project, unlike physical sciences, controlled experiments are uncommon in economics and management. We study the behavior of agents over periods that are too long to allow keeping some parameters fixed. … Vous voulez participer? Toutes les informations sont ici.