Congratulations to Hazem Ben Aissa for his new publication entitled : Towards an organizational approach of stress at work (with Géraldine Galindo) in Psychologie du Travail et des Organisations (vol 22(4) p.217-231).
The aim of this paper is to consider the relationship between the organization of work today installed in many businesses and the growing stress of all categories of employees, and so, with components from literature but also from employees interviews. The organizational approach of stress at work can overcome a reflection traditionally engaged in risk management and psychosocial in the work during the last decade. We will show that several changes in work organization, the end of Fordism, increasing individualization, the distance between the real work and the work required, problems of recognition and painfulness of work, have a direct impact on the individual. The company becomes the new place of responses to stress management. We outline new opportunities for understanding the psychosocial risk from a practical and organizational.