The next RITM Management Seminar will take place on Friday 12 May, from 12:15 to 13:15. Timothee Gigout (Collège de France) will present Exporting Ideas: Knowledge Flows from Expanding Trade in Goods co-authored with P. Aghion A. Bergeaud, M. Lequien and M. Melitz.
Abstract: Combining French firm-level administrative, customs and patent data over 1995-2012, and using a difference-in-differences identification strategy with a staggered treatment design, we show that entry by a French firm into a new export market increases its patents’ citations received from that destination. The citations generated by the entry are also of higher quality. These citations, linked to the new export relationship, happen both inside and outside of global value chains. Moreover those technological spillovers are stronger for French firms with higher quality patents and in destination countries technologically close to the firm.