Congratulations to Sophie Morin-Delerm for her new publication, co-authored with Marie-Catherine Paquier, and entitled: « Le contexte, un amplificateur d’expérience : le cas de l’achat de produits monastiques en points de vente religieux. » in Décisions Marketing.
This research explores the meeting of monastic suppliers and consumers through the prism of the buying experience. Semi-structured interviews with buyers in physical and virtual religious points of sale show that societal and local contexts amplify the experience in the abbey store, while the e-experience seems devoid of contextual impregnation. Thus, the capacity of the abbey store to transfer meaning encourages the monastic managers to accentuate ambience factors and to improve the potential of immersion of merchant websites, consistent with the heritage of monasteries. The virtual channel could then extend customers’ attachment to the physical monastic place.
Morin-Delerm S. et M.-C. Paquier, 2016, Le contexte, un amplificateur d’expérience : le cas de l’achat de produits monastiques en points de vente religieux, Décisions Marketing, n°81, vol.1.