Artificial intelligence and algorithmic bias? Field tests on social network with teens
Fabrice Le Guel and Matthieu Manant published their paper [...]
Fabrice Le Guel and Matthieu Manant published their paper [...]
Félicitation à Grazia Cecere ( Institut Mines-Télécom Business School/ RITM), [...]
Matthieu Manant soutiendra son Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches le [...]
Matthieu MANANT, Alain RALLET et Fabrice ROCHELANDET ont récemment publié [...]
Clara Jean, PhD student at RITM laboratory and Epitech - [...]
Trois chercheurs du RITM, Matthieu Manant, Serge Pajak et Nicolas [...]
Clara JEAN and Alain RALLET attended the Digital Economics Summer School in [...]
Grazia Cecere, Fabrice Le Guel, Matthieu Manant and Nicolas Soulié [...]
Congratulations to Matthieu Manant for his new publication, co-authored with [...]
Grazia Cecere, Jean-Michel Etienne, Fabrice Le Guel, Matthieu Manant, Serge [...]