The ‘DATAIA-Cluster’ project laureate of the “AI-clusters” call for expressions of interest!
The 'DATAIA-Cluster' project - €20M - has been selected among [...]
The 'DATAIA-Cluster' project - €20M - has been selected among [...]
Fabrice Le Guel and Matthieu Manant published their paper [...]
Clara Jean soutient sa thèse le 21 mai 2021 à [...]
The new uses of social robots, conversational agents, and, [...]
"Connected objects, specifically conversational agents like Google Home, bring a [...]
Clara JEAN and Alain RALLET attended the Digital Economics Summer School in [...]
Grazia Cecere, Fabrice Le Guel, Matthieu Manant and Nicolas Soulié [...]
Nous avons le plaisir de vous présenter notre nouvelle lettre [...]
Fabrice LE GUEL soutiendra son Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches [...]
Grazia Cecere, Jean-Michel Etienne, Fabrice Le Guel, Matthieu Manant, Serge [...]