La prochaine séance du séminaire Hotelling, commun au CES-ENS Cachan et à l’ADIS, se déroulera le jeudi 31 janvier de 16h à 17h30, à Sceaux. Serge Pajak présentera un article co-écrit avec Matthieu Manant et Nicolas Soulié : “Do Recruiters ‘Like’ It? How information Displayed on Social Networks Profiles interferes with the Hiring Process”
Abstract: With the advance of social networks, a recruiter now has many sources of information to know about a candidate in order to decide whether to grant an interview. This way of knowing a candidate give recruiters more opportunities to find positive aspects of a candidate’s personality, but also may be used to discriminate against minority candidates based on such information. Our experiment aims at assessing the impact of an information found in an applicant’s social network profile. The experiment is currently being run until June, 2013 and we intend to send eventually 1000 applications, i.e. 500 applications per profile. So far, a total of 412 applications have been sent, and elicited 56 interview proposals from recruiters. The minority candidate received around thirty percent fewer callbacks, with 26 positive outcomes (40 for the other candidate), or 12.3% callback rate (19.8%). The Chi2 test insures that the difference is statistically significant at the 5% confidence level (p-value = 0.036).
Keywords: Services Innovation; Social Network Services; Labour Market Discrimination.
JEL Codes: D22; D82; J71
Lieu du séminaire :
Université Paris Sud – Faculté Jean Monnet
Salle Jean Gaudemet
Bâtiment D – 1er étage
54, Boulevard Desgranges , Sceaux
RER B Station Robinson
Le programme du séminaire pour l’année 2012-2013 est disponible à l’adresse suivante :
Les organisateurs
Nathalie Etchart-Vincent
José de Sousa
Emmanuelle Taugourdeau