Lydiane Nabec, Sophie Morin-Delerm and Valérie Nicolas-Hémar have participated at the 32d Congress of the French Marketing Association (AFM) that took place in Lyon between May 18th and May 20th.
Lydiane Nabec presents the paper co-written with Dominique Roux, entitled: “To defend oneself against market practitioners: a consumer’s competency-based analysis“.
This communication analyzes the concept of consumers’ skills and how these are enacted by consumers to defend themselves against market practitioners. On the basis of 28 semi-structured in-depth interviews, it shows that those consumers’ skills are articulated by a relationship between (cognitive, procedural, and social) knowledge and a power-to-act (in a situation). We then draw up four situations that characterize consumers’ skills to defend themselves: vulnerability, limitation of capabilities, co-construction skills and empowerment.
Sophie Morin-Delerm presents the paper co-written with Marie-Catherine Paquier, entitled: “The mediatory marketing of monasteries”.
Monastic orders integrate work into their life of prayer. Today, in order to survive in autonomy, monasteries make and sell, according to their communal principles, contemporary consumer products. It is as well, by way of this commercial offer, that the monastic world meets the world of mass consumption. This research examines the nature of the marketing approach of monasteries. More precisely, is a particular marketing determined by such a communal organization of providers and its links to the market? In order to answer this question, we will describe first the particularities of the context and the way in which monastic products respond to the aspirations of consumers. We therefore anchor the questioning in the works focusing on the different marketing orientations and we will present the ethnographic immersion methodology used. Framework and methodology allow us to finally formulate the two principal characteristics of a mediatory marketing, reconciling the injunctions of the two worlds.
Valérie Nicolas-Hémar presents the paper entitled: “Fruit Ninja vs. Fanta Fruit Slam: the place of advergames in children’s digital practices of gaming“.
While brands increasingly use branded mobile games to communicate with young consumers, this exploratory study aims to gain a better knowledge of the way children appropriate mobile advergames in their digital practices. Drawn on the Childhood Studies perspective, this child-centric study is conducted with six-to-eleven year old children, and is based on multiple methods including drawings, interviews, and observations. The findings highlight that children have a pretty good understanding of advergames, but do not use this knowledge to hold critical attitudes toward this advertising technique. Advergames promote a pleasure-based relationship with brand that deploy in children’s virtual and physical spaces. They contribute to the embeddedness of branding in the peer group, and imbue childhood culture. From a managerial perspective, this communication puts forward the potential effectiveness of advergames to build a child-brand relationship based on branded entertainment. The study also suggests that advergames targeting children raise ethical concerns and need to be regulated.