Economics Seminars:
“Neighbor Effects and Track Choices”.
1/03/21 – Manon Garrouste (LEM-CNRS, Université de Lille), with Camille Hémet (ENS – PSE)
“Role models and migration intentions”
02/11/20 – Björn Nilsson (RITM, Université Paris-Saclay), avec Sandrine Mesplé-Somps, IRD.
“Turning back the clock: Beliefs in gender norms during lockdown”
03/05/21 – Anne Boring (Erasmus University, LIEPP Science Po), co-écrit avec Gloria Moroni”
“Bike-friendly cities: opportunity or challenge for local businesses?”
10/05/21 – Mariona Segú (INED), co-écrit avec Federica Daniele, Youssouf Camara et David Bounie
“socio-economic consequences of protestantism in early modern france”
12/04/21 – Cédric Chambru (UZH Zurich)
“Electoral Democracy at Work”
12/10/20 – Thomas Breda (PSE), avec P Askenazy.
“Innovation and Technological Content of Imports”
16/11/20 – Igor Bagayev (Université Paris-Est Créteil), avec Ron B. Davies et Dieter F. Kogler.
“Are car-free centers detrimental to the periphery? Evidence from the pedestrianisation of the Parisian riverbank”
18/01/21 – Léa Bou Sleiman (ENSAE)
“Are Regional Borders Invisible ?”
23/11/20 – Gabriel Loumeau (ETH Zurich)
“Democratic purges in 1945 France: Was it all about separating the wheat from the chaff?”
28/09/20 – Jean Lacroix (RITM, Université Paris-Saclay), co-auteurs : T.S. Aidt – University of Cambridge / P.-G. Méon – Université libre de Bruxelles
“Signalling Social Identity”
29/03/21 – Vessela Daskalova (University College Dublin), co-écrit avec M. Drouvelis et N. J. Vriend.
“Understanding the Reallocation of Displaced Workers to Firms”
30/11/20 – Camille Hémet (PSE), avec Paul Brandily et Clement Malgouyres.
“Understanding the Reallocation of Displaced Workers to Firms”
31/05/21 – Mathieu Couttenier (University of Lyon, ENS de Lyon & GATE), avec Paul Brandily et Clement Malgouyres.
“Effects of Primary Education on Women’s Marital Outcomes: Evidence from Benin”
7/12/20 – Rozenn Hotte (THEMA-Université de Cergy-Pontoise), avec Sarah Deschênes (PSE)
Management Seminars:
08/10/20 – Sandra CHARREIRE PETIT
“L’impact du financement issu d’entreprises privées sur la gouvernance des ONG environnementales”
08/10/20 – Lucile RENARD
“How cartoon characters and claims influence children’s attitude towards a snack vegetable – An explorative cross-cultural comparison between Indonesia and Denmark.”
05/11/20 – Valérie NICOLAS HEMAR
“Scapegoating in the Organization”
05/11/20 – Mela DJABI et Oriane Sitte de Longueval
“The combined contribution of intangible capital and global value chain participation to productivity”
03/12/20 – Ahmed BOUNFOUR et Alberto NONNIS
Sur le thème des séniors et de la spiritualité
07/01/21 – Corine CHEVALIER
l’évaluation des systèmes d’information
07/01/21 – Mondher FEKI
“Projet EUGLOH”
12/02/21 – Valérie Nicolas- Hemar
Sur son travail doctoral
12/02/21 – Clément Sternberger
“Intégrer le dissensus dans la fabrique de la stratégie”
18/03/21 – Denis Chabault
la blockchain et supply chain
18/03/21 – Mondher Feki
“Faut-il faire évoluer le modèle PFI ?”
15/04/21 – Pascal Corbel
“Exploring the impact of blockchain use on Supply Chain Management”
15/04/21 – Mondher FEKI
“Quasi-composabilité : propriété-clé pour la création d’artefacts sociaux”
20/05/21 – Philippe SILBERZAHN, EM Lyon
“Apprentissage organisationnel et déploiement de la télémédecine en France et en Europe”.
20/05/21 – Isabel PIFARRE COUTROT
“Entrepreneuriat et ambidextrie dans les organisations”
17/06/21 – Frédérique BLONDEL
Joint Economics and Management Research Seminars:
Travail doctoral
08/10/20 – Vincent GIACOBBI – Naima FERHATI – Dipanita DEB (RITM, Université Paris-Saclay)
Corporate Social Responsibility as a Common Risk Factor publié dans le Journal of Global Finance et joint.
03/12/20 – Aya NASREDDINE (Université Paris Nanterre, CEROS)
COVID-induced sovereign risk in the euro area: When did the ECB stop the spread?
12/03/21 – Fabien TRIPIER and Aymeric ORTMANS (EPEE Lab., Paris-Saclay University)
Measuring the Degree of Informational Efficiency of Financial Markets: An Econometric Model on European, American and North African Stock Exchanges.
20/05/21 – Naima FERHATI (Université de Tizi-Ouzou)
Finance (Joint Economics & Management):
Nov. 24th – Yutong LI (PhD presentation)
December 8th – Dipanita Deb (Pre-defense)
January 5th – Naïma Ferhati : (Pre-defense)
February 16th – Giang Nguyen :(Pre-defense)
April 6th – Gérard Hirigoyen (University of Bordeaux)
Economics Lunch Seminars:
“Social and Economic Inequality”
7/10/19 – Margherita Comola (Univ. Paris-Sud)
“Containing Chinese State Owned Enterprises? The Impact of Deep Trade Agreements on Firms’ Exports”
14/10/19 – Kevin Lefebvre (Univ. Paris-Sud)
“Well-being in public transport : conditions, waste of time aversion, individual profile and online activities”
4/11/19 – Risienne Mazengani (Univ. Paris-Sud / Orange)
“The Work/Leisure Trade off in Online Labor Markets: The case of Amazon Mechanical Turk”
4/11/19 – Théo Marquis (Univ. Paris-Sud)
“Social Networks and Job Referrals in Recruitment”
18/11/19 – Marie Lalanne (Collegio Carlo Alberto, Turin)
“Better alone? Evidence on the costs of intermunicipal cooperation”
2/12/19 – Clémence Tricaud (Polytechnique-CREST)
“Ballots instead of Bullets? The effect of the Voting Rights Act on political violence”
13/01/2020 – Jean Lacroix (Université Libre de Bruxelles)
“Battling Antibiotic Resistance: Can Machine Learning Improve Prescribing ?”
20/01/2020 – Hannes Ullrich (DIW Berlin)
“Import Competition, Firms’ Performance and Immigrant Workers”
7/01/2020 – Léa Marchal (Bielefeld University)
“Under Attack: Terrorism and International Trade in France, 2014-16”
03/02/2020 – Isabelle Rabaud (Univ. Orléans)
“On the construction of nonasymptotic confidence intervals in linear models”
10/02/2020 – Yannick Guyonvarch (CREST-ENSAE) avec Alexis Derumigny (University of Twente) et Lucas Girard (CREST)
“Measuring Speech Polarization: Identification and Estimation in the US Congress (1874-2016)”
24/02/2020 – Lucas Girard (ENSAE) with Xavier D’Haultfoeuille (CREST), Roland Rathelot (Warwick)
“User-generated content, strategic moderation, and advertising”
2/03/2020 – Léonardo Madio (UCLouvain CORE / Toulouse School of Economics) with Martin Quinn.
Management Lunch Seminars:
“La construction de la légitimité d’une initiative de cluster: le cas d’Inno’vin”
7/11/19 – Elodie Loubaresse (U. Paris Saclay)
“La théorie du nudge ou le coup de pouce vers une meilleure compréhension des comportements des consommateurs.”
7/11/19 – Leila LAHNA (U. Paris Saclay)
“Pratiquer, imaginer et théoriser les «organisations alternatives» : une perspective féministe.”
5/12/19 – Léa DORION (U. Paris Saclay)
“La Blockchain.”
9/01/20 – Mondher FEKI (U. Paris Saclay)
“La gouvernance des sociétés cotées est-elle affectée par les actionnaires des fonds d’investissement ?”
9/01/20 – Vincent GIACOBBI (U. Paris Saclay)
“Organisations, anthropocène et raréfaction des ressources énergétiques : proposition d’un programme de recherche autour d’une organisation idéale”
13/02/20 – Nicolas PRAQUIN (U. Paris Saclay)
“Organisation and the Anthropocene : the Case of French Fablabs”
13/02/20 – Cédric GOSSART (Institut Mines – Telecom Business School)
“Les stratégies discursives de légitimation des entreprises via les réseaux sociaux : le cas des entreprises européennes.”
12/03/20 – Elisabeth ALBERTINI (IAE de Paris – Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne)
“Gaspillage alimentaire et influences interpersonnelles dans la famille : le cas de l’application too-good-to-go”
12/03/20 – Amélie CLAUZEL (PRISM Sorbonne, Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne) et Caroline RICHE (RITM, Université Paris-Saclay)
Economics Lunch Seminars:
Legislation, Deregulation and Litigation: The 1970-1990 Demand Shift for U.S. Legal Services in Historical Perspective
01/10/2018 – Ariell Reshef (PSE)
On the Road Again? Gender differentials in reservation utility, wage and commuting distance (co-writting with Thomas Le Barbanchon and Alexandra Roulet)
15/10/2018 – Roland Rathelot (U. Warwick)
Delineating urban areas using building density (co-writting with Marie-Pierre de Bellefon, Pierre-Philippe Combes, et Gilles Duranton)
05/11/2018 – Laurent Gobillon (PSE)
Quasi-experimental Evidence on Take-up and the Value of Unemployment Insurance (co-writting with Andreas Kettemann)
12/11/2018 – François Fontaine (U. Paris 1)
Relationship Stickiness: Measurement and Applications to International Economics co-writting with J. Martin and M. Parenti
19/11/2018 – Isabelle Méjean (X CREST)
Two-way fixed effects estimators with heterogeneous treatment effects (co-writting with Clément de Chaisemartin)
14/01/2019 – Xavier d’Haultfoeuille (CREST)
Do short-term rent platforms affect housing markets? Evidence from Airbnb in Barcelona
14/01/2019 – Mariona Segú (Univ. Paris Sud)
Did Debt Relief Initiatives help to reach the MDGs? A Focus on Education
21/01/2019 – Marin Ferry (DIAL)
Highways and Firms’ Exports: Evidence from China (co-writting with Liugang Sheng and Miaojie Yu).
28/01/2019 – Dan Liu (Shanghai U. of Finance and Economics)
Cross-border investments and uncertainty: Firm-level evidence (co-writting with Rafael Cezar and Timothée Gigout )
04/02/2019 – Fabien Tripier (U. d’Evry)
Are referees and editors un Economics gender neutral?
11/02/2019 – Nagore Iriberri (University of the Basque Country)
The signalling effect of self-regulatory standards in the higher education sector: The case of French business schools
18/02/2019 – Julien Jacqmin (HEC Liège)
Roman Transport Network Connectivity and Economic Integration
13/05/2019 – Mario Larch (Bayreuth U.)
Spillover effects of entry and city development
27/05/2019 – Roxana Fernandez (CREST)
Management Lunch Seminars:
How Star scientist make high performance ? : Empirical study for destructive innovation in pharmaceutical industry
11/10/2018 – Yasuhi Hara (Chaire Michelin , EHESS & Hitostsubashi University)
Légitimité des associations de consommateurs et vulnérabilité perçue de leurs publics : quels effets sur l’intention de confiance envers les acteurs consuméristes ?
08/11/2018 – Lydiane NABEC (RITM, UPSUD) avec LICHTLE M.C., ROUX D. et C. CHEVALIER
The intangible impact of cyberttacks on firms and ecosystems, The interim results of the H2020 Hermeneut project
06/12/2018 – Ahmed Bounfour, Rokhaya Dieye, Niaz Kammoun, Altay Ozaygen (RITM, UPSUD)
A Cluster analysis of European Technoloy Transfer Offices
10/01/2019 -Laura Kreiling (RITM, UPSUD)
Coopération et coordination des Supply chain
07/02/2019 – Damien Mourey (ENS Paris-Saclay)
Technology convergence capability and firm innovation in the manufacturing sector
04/04/2019 – Keung Oui KIM (Upsud – Post-doc Researcher)
Mobilités spatiales et organisation : proposition d’un agenda de recherche (avec Elodie Loubaresse et Denis Chabault)
06/06/2019 – Bertrand Sergot
Finance Lunch Seminars:
Financial distress prediction: The case of French Small and medium-sized firms
11/10/2018 – Nada Mselmi
Understanding the French Endorsement of Isas-Exploring : Reasons and Arguments
15/11/2018 – Imène Jedidi
Start-up Firms Pricing Using a Binomial Merton Approach
17/01/2019 – Philippe Gillet
Finance, éthique et communs
15/02/2019 – Henri Zimnovitch (CNAM)
The impact of SRI on Mutual Funds Performance : an Exploratory Study
14/03/2019 – Giang Nguyen
Prévision de volatilité des prix des actifs énergétiques
11/04/2019 – Fredj Jawadi (Univ. Lille – EconomiX)
Risk and Blockchain
17/05/2019 – Dominique Guegan (Université Paris 1)
Economics Lunch Seminars:
Market Integration and Convergence in Consumption Patterns
25/09/2017 – José de Sousa (Upsud), with Thierry Mayer and Eve Sihra.
Segregation, Gentrification and Crime
02/10/2017 – RUES
Frictional Labor Mobility
09/10/2017 – Benoit Schmutz (Ecole Polytechnique, CREST) with Modibo Sidibé.
Patent Assertion Entities and Innovation : an Empirical Analysis using EPO Data.
16/10/2017 – Valerio Sterzi (U. Bordeaux – GREThA)
Local Diffusion of Short-Time Work
06/11/2017 – Florence Puech (Upsud) avec Sandra Nevoux (CREST) et Eric Macron (AgroParisTech)
Probabilistic States versus Multiple Certainties: The Obstacle of Risk in Contingent Reasoning”
13/11/2017 – Emanuel Vespa (UC Santa Barbara) with Alejandro Martinez-Marquina and Muriel Niederle
Learning, Spillovers and Persistence: Institutions and the Dynamics of Cooperation
20/11/2017 – Nicolas Jacquemet (U. Paris 1 – PSE) with Galbiati R., Henry E., Jacquemet N.
Understanding Identity Choice: a Revealed Preference Approach Using Food Consumption (with David Atkin and Moses Shayo).
27/11/2017 – Sihra Eve (Hebrew U.)
Agency Pricing and Bargaining:Empirical Evidence from the E-Book Market
04/12/2017 – Babur De los Santos (Clemson U.) with Daniel P. O’Brian and Matthijs R. Wildenbeest.
Future-proof tariff design: recovering sunk grid costs in a world where consumers are pushing back
11/12/2017 – Tim Schittekatte (UPSud, EIU)
The Effects of Foreign Aid on Refugee Flows
05/02/2018 – Andreas Fuchs (University Heidelberg )
Spatial Segregation and Urban Structure
12/03/2018 – Pascal Mossay (Newcastle University)
Can Public Housing Decrease Segregation? Lessons and Challenges from Non-European Immigration in France
19/03/2018 – Gregory Verdugo (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne)
Firm Size and the Gains from Input Trade (avec J. Blaum, C. Lelarge, M. Peters)
26/03/2018 – Claire Lelarge (Banque de France; CEPR)
Inter-municipal cooperation and local taxation
26/03/2018 – Anne-Laure Samson (Université Paris-Dauphine)
The Causal Impact of Medals on Wine Producers’ Prices, and the Gains From Participating in Contests
16/04/2018 – Emmanuel Paroissien (UPSud)
Revisiting NAFTA: Estimating the U.S. Local Employment Effects
24/05/2018 – Anca Cristea (University of Oregon) with Shushanik Hakobyan (IMF) and Kyle Oliverio (University of Oregon).
Back to Base: Early Coasian Property Rights, Intellectual Property Rights and the Effect on FDI.
28/05/2018 – Chengang Wang (University of Bradford)
Management Lunch Seminars:
The impact of cyber-attacks on the intangibles of firms.
05/10/2017 – Ahmed Bounfour et Altay Ozaygen
The 104factory. A case study on an incubator dedicated to cultural and creative entrepreneurship.
02/11/2017- Alexis Pokrovsky et Aurore Haas
Role strains, a new multidimensional scale.
07/12/2017 – Mélia Djabi et Serge Perrot
Spatial organization of collective memory: From ruins to heterotopias in Oradour-sur-Glane.
11/01/2018 – Hélène Delacour et Sébastien Liarte
How do Danish and French children make sense of well-being in food context? A cross-cultural approach of the concept of Food Well-being.
01/02/2018 – Valérie Nicolas Hémar et Liselotte Hedegaard
Panorama de la recherche en management et marketing du sport
08/03/2018 – Mathieu Djaballah, Christopher Hautbois et Michel Desbordes
Improving customer experience and satisfaction through the use of “nudge” – Application in the digital field.
05/04/2018 – Leila Lahna
Because it’s worth it? A critical discourse analysis of diversity: the case of L’Oréal.
31/05/2018 – François Goxe et Michaël Viegas Pires
Finance Lunch Seminars:
Board Composition and Value Creation in the European Firms.
22/03/2018 – Vincent Giacobbi
On the Determinants of Banking Integration: The case in ASEAN.
12/04/2018 – Nguyen Minh Phuong Le
Assessing the performance of EG, AIM and NASDAQ: a stakeholder perspective
17/05/2018 – Noelle Lahouij-Bouhlel
Economics Lunch Seminars:
Innovation and Manufacturing Offshoring and Fully Endogenous Productivity Growth
19/09/2016 – Colin Davis (Doshisha U.)
Giving up your privacy for free: Are you comfortable with it?
26/09/2016 – Grazia Cecerre (Upsud)
The Cost of Relative Deprivation: Social Subsistence and Malnutrition in India
03/10/2016 – Eve Sihra (Sc. Po)
Disentangle the Effects on Trade: Currency Union, Peg One-to-one and Simple Fixed Exchange Rate
10/10/2016 – Laura Lebastard (Upsud)
Trickle-Down Affirmative Action
07/11/2016 – José De Sousa (Upsud)
Slicing the Pie: Quantifying the Aggregate and Distributional Effects of Trade
14/11/2016 – Simon Galle (Berkeley/NBS Oslo)
Rent gradients, housing vacancies and public regulation
21/11/2016 – RUES
Crowdfunding and recommendation systems: a field experiment
28/11/2016 – Frédéric Mahé (Upsud)
Divergence of institutions and bilateral trade in services: a sectoral approach
09/01/2017 – Isabelle Rabaud (Université d’Orléans)
Donor national interests or recipient needs? Evidence from EU multinational tender procedures on foreign aid
16/01/2017 – Felipe Starosta de Waldemar (Upsud)
Intellectual Property Rights, MNFs and Technology Transfers
23/01/2017 – Sara Biancini (CREM, Université de Caen Normandie)
Horizontal mergers on platform markets: cost savings vs two-sided network effects?
30/01/2017 – Andreea Cosnita-Langlais (EconomiX – UMR CNRS 7235 Université Paris Nanterre)
Smokers’ littering behaviors: Field experiment
06/02/2017 – Grazia Cecere (Upsud)
An Experimental Study on Decentralized Networked Markets with Unobserved Preferences
20/02/2017 – Margherita Comola (Université Paris 1 et Paris School of Economics)
How effective are VAT export taxes? Evidence from China
27/02/2017 – Laura Hering (Erasmus School of Economics, Rotterdam)
Managing the Impact of Climate Change on Migration: Evidence from Mexico” (with Maëlys de la Rupelle)
06/03/2017 – Nathalie Ferrière (PSE, EHESS, Upsud)
Managing the Impact of Climate Change on Migration: Evidence from Mexico” (with Maëlys de la Rupelle)
13/03/2017 – Isabelle Chort (Université Paris Dauphine)
Aid and growth. Evidence using firm-level data
20/03/2017 – Lisa Chauvet (LEDa, PSL, UMR DIAL, Université Paris-Dauphine)
“R&D heterogeneity and its implications for growth” (with Sigurd Mølster Galaasen)
20/04/2017 – Alfonso Irarrazabal (Norwegian Business School)
Management Lunch Seminars:
Faire de la recherche au XXIème siècle : projet, objet, méthodes – Quels enseignements du cas de l’affaire Société Générale contre Jérôme Kerviel ?
06/10/2016 – Jean-Philippe Denis (U-Psud)
Are Ethical Funds More Resistant to Crisis than Conventional Funds?
03/11/2016 – Philippe Gillet (U-Psud)
Who invest in CSR? The Role of Corporate Governance
01/12/2016 – Jessica Fouilloux Thomasset (U-Psud)
La mobilité interne : Un kaléidoscope de la carrière
05/01/2017 – Anne Janand (U-Psud)
Expériences touristiques haut de gamme : quelle évaluation par le consommateur ?
02/02/2017 – Nathalie Guichard (U-Psud)
Améliorer les comportements alimentaires avec l’étiquetage nutritionnel : nouvelles perspectives pour la Transformative Consumer Research
02/03/2017 – Lydiane Nabec (U-Psud)
Venture capital, corporate governance and equity crowdfunding
04/05/2017 – Emmanuelle Dubocage (U-Psud)
Intangibles and financial analysts’ behavior – the case of Brazilian listed firms
01/06/2017 – Joyce Mariella Cavalcanti
Intangibles and financial analysts’ behavior – the case of Brazilian listed firms
Digital Economics Seminars:
Musée et financement participatif: nouvelles opportunités
27/10/2016 – Marie Ballarini (IRCAV, Univ. Paris 3)
Taxation and privacy protection on Internet platforms
10/11/2016 – Gabrielle Demange (PSE, EHESS) et Francis Bloch (Univ. Paris 1)
What Drives the Expansion of the Peer-to-Peer Lending?
24/11/2016 – Olena Havrylchyk (LEM, Univ. Lille)
Does Online Search Predict Sales? Evidence from Big Data for Cars Markets in Germany and the UK
08/12/2016 – Valentine Millot (OECD) and Georg von Graevenitz (School of Business and Management, University of London)
The behavioural intentions of individuals toward mobility solutions: a new privacy paradox?
19/01/2017 – Amel Attour (GREDEG, Univ. Nice-Sophia-Antipolis)
What is really behavioral in behavioral health policy? And does it work?
Salle Gaudemet
09/02/2017 – Matteo Galizzi (London School of Economics)
Internet of things in health insurance
09/02/2017 – Antoine Dubus (TelecomParis Tech)
Racial Discrimination in Local Public Services: A Field Experiment in the US
02/03/2017 – Mirco Tonin (Univ. of Bolzen-Bolzano)
The economics of mobile applications
14/03/2017 – Pay-Ling Yin (Institute for Economic Policy Research, Stanford University)
Digital Economic Seminar
14/03/2017 – Vincent Lefrere (TelecomParisTech, Univ. Paris-Sud)
The Relation between privacy protection and risk attitudes, with a new experimental method to elicit the implicit monetary value of privacy
06/04/2017 – Alisa Frik (Univ. Di Trento)
The impact of Research and Technology Organizations on firms’ innovation: A comparison with universities
06/04/2017 – Julien Penin (BETA, Univ. Strasbourg)
Vertical mergers in platform markets
27/04/2017 – Jérôme Pouyet (PSE)
Digital Economic Seminar
03/05/2017 – Justus Baron (Northwestern University)
Social networks and norms in the collaborative economy
11/05/2017 – Paola Tubaro (LRI, Univ. Paris-Sud/Paris-Saclay)
Digital Economic Seminar
08/06/2017 – Romain De Nijs (Ecole Polytechnique)
Digital Economic Seminar
22/06/2017 – Marianne Lumeau (GRANEM, Univ. Angers)
Innovation et Globalisation
08/10/15 – Sihem Jouini, HEC
Business Model Design: Lessons Learned from Tesla Motors
22/10/15 – Yannick Perez, Université Paris-Sud & CentraleSupélec
L’évaluation des transferts de technologie de luniversité vers le marché : le cas brésilien
05/11/15 – Hudson Fernandes Amaral, Université Fédérale de Minas Gerais (Professeur Invité)
Taxing Vacant Apartments: Can fiscal policy reduce vacancy?
12/11/15 – Mariona Segú, Université Paris-Sud
The energy-economic growth relationship: a new insight from the EROI perspective
9/11/15 – Florian Fizaine, Université Paris-Sud
Managing and valuing complementarities, the new intangible asset
26/11/15 – Ilaria Solito, Liang Guo-Fitoussi, Ahmed Bounfour, Université Paris Sud
The search for technological congruence and the knowledge economy
03/12/15 – Cristiano Antonelli, Université de Turin
Trade costs and the globalization: 1827-2012
10/12/15 – Jules Hugot, Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá
Managing and valuing complementarities, the new intangible asset
17/12/15 – Ilaria Solito, Liang Guo-Fitoussi, Ahmed Bounfour, Université Paris Sud
Changement & socialisation au travail : le cas de la SNCF
07/01/16 – Mélia Djabi, Université Paris-Sud
Trade and Trust
14/01/16 – José de Sousa, Université Paris-Sud
Materiality & Space
21/01/16 – François-Xavier de Vaujany, Université ParisDauphine
The impact of industrial risk regulation on local housing markets: Evidence from a French policy change
28/01/16 – Marianne Bléhaut, Université Paris-Sud
Role of financial and non-financial incentives in improving cancer screening in general practice. A discrete choice experiement
18/02/16 – Jonathan SICSIC, INSERM – CESP
Communication and Organization in Multi-plant businesses: evidence from the impact of the French High-Speed rail
10/03/16 – Claire Lelarge, CREST
Does the identity of leaders matter for education? Evidence from the firrst black governor in the US
24/03/16 – Véronique Gille, DIAL/IRD
There goes gravity: eBay and the death of distance
14/04/16 – Marcelo Olarreaga, Université de Genève
Collateral Damage: The impact of the Russia sanctions on sanctioning countries’ exports
23/06/16 – Marcelo Olarreaga, Université de Genève
Firm Size Distortions and the Productivity Distribution: Evidence from France
02/10/14 – Claire Lelarge (CREST et LSE-CEP)
Technology and Geography in the Second Industrial Revolution: New Evidence from the Margins of Trade
09/10/14 – Christopher M. Meissner (U. of California, Davis)
Have you time to take a walk together?
16/10/14 – Jean-Noël Senne (U. PSud)
Intra-household Selection into Migration: Evidence from a Matched Sample of Migrants and Origin Households in Senegal
23/10/14 – Jean-Noël Senne (U. PSud)
Intergenerational Mobility and Urban Segregation
06/11/14 – Fabien Moizeau (CREM, Rennes 1)
Genèse et développement d’un projet de recherche : le management stratégique des droits de la propriété intellectuelle
13/11/14 – Pascal Corbel (UVSQ)
Data Science pour l’Economie et le Management
20/11/14 – Philippe Caillou (U. PSud)
Women form social networks more selectively and less opportunistically than men
27/11/14 – Paul Seabright (Toulouse School of Economics)
Not in my Community: Social Pressure and the Geography of Dismissals
04/12/14 – Andrea Bassanini (OCDE)
Export diversification and institutional legacy
11/12/14 – Patrick Domingues (U. Paris-Est Créteil)
Legal spillovers in time and space: an experimental approach
18/12/14 – Emeric Henry (Sciences Po)
Are cities to big?
08/01/15 – Frédéric Robert Nicoud (U. Genève)
Faire entrer la recherche en management dans le débat public : quelles stratégies?
15/01/15 – Jean-Philippe Denis (U PSud)
Consumption Taxes, Income Taxes, and Revenue Stability: States and the Great Recession
22/01/15 – Howard Chernick (City University of New York)
Confiance et prudence: Réflexions et regards historiques d’un comptable sur un Janus de la relation d’affaires
29/01/15 – Nicolas Praquin (U. PSud)
A rank-dependent utility model of uncertain lifetime, time consistency, and life insurance
05/02/15 – Nicolas Drouhin (ENS Cachan)
Understanding the dynamics of knowledge integration for innovation within clusters: the role of architectural knowledge
12/02/15 – Catherine Thomas (U. Nice)
The Impact of Typhoons on the Filipino Rice Market
19/02/15 – Eric Strobl (Ecole Polytechnique)
Trade Liberalization and the Link Between Firm-Level Services and Goods Trade
05/03/15 – Gregory Corcos (Ecole Polytechnique)
Trade costs and the Suez and Panama Canals
12/03/15 – Camilo Umana Dajud (Sciences Po)
Optimal prevention of epidemics
19/03/15 – Emmanuelle Augeraud-Veron (U. la Rochelle)
Should everybody be in services? The effect of servitization on manufacturing firms’ performances
02/04/15 – Matthieu Crozet (U. Psud)
Production Networks, Geography and Firm Performance
09/04/15 – Andreas Moxnes (U. of Oslo)
Demographic Structure and Macroeconomic Trends
16/04/15 – Yunus Aksoy (BirkBeck College)
Engagement et incitations: Comportements économiques sous serment
07/05/15 – Nicolas Jacquemet (U. L.orraine, BETA)
Estimating Preferences in School Choice Mechanisms: Theoretical Foundation and Empirical Approaches
21/05/15 – Julien Grenet (PSE)
Stratégies Bottom of the Pyramid (RSE)
28/05/15 – Marielle Payaud (IAE Lyon)
Fiscal Devaluations in a Monetary Union and the Extensive Margin of Trade
04/06/15 – Aurélien Eyquem (U. Lyon 2, GATE-LSE)
les femmes entrepreneures dans les quartiers dits sensibles
11/06/15 – Amélie Notais (U.Psud) et Julie Tixier (U.PEM)
Housing, Capital Taxation and Bequests in a Simple OLG Model
18/06/15 – Robert J. Gary-Bobo (CREST)
Propositions pour des analyses organisationnelles des mobilités spatiales
25/06/15 – Elodie Loubaresse, Bertrand Sergot et Denis Chabault (U. Psud)