Mélia DJABI presented “Eux aussi se socialisent ! La socialisation des employés expérimentés en contexte de changement” (Organizational socialization of insiders in a context of change) at AGRH (Human Ressources Management francophone association) in Montpellier, France, on November 4-6, 2015.
The literature on organizational socialization in management has mainly focused on newcomers’ adjustment into stable organizations. Conversely, this study attempts to understand the socialization process of insiders in a context of organizational change. Built from managerial and sociological approaches of socialization at work, the conceptual framework highlights the key dimensions of the process: identity mechanisms, adjustment modes, influence of peers and managers. Conducted in the national French railway company (SNCF), a qualitative longitudinal study enriches the understanding of each dimension and their articulation through social mechanisms. From this research, five typical processes are identified leading to three behaviors of absorption, exploration or role determination. Managerial implications are proposed to the company and organizations experiencing similar socialization issues.