Miren Lafourcade organise, conjointement avec Laurent Gobillon, la 9ème session du Regional and Urban Economics Seminar (RUES) sur le thème Migration in Africa: causes and conséquences. Cette session aura lieu le mercredi 11 juin 2014 de 12h30 à 17h30.
Vous trouverez tous les détails du programme de cette 9ème session sur la page web de l’Ecole d’Economie de Paris et ici.
« The RUES is a new workshop organized by the Paris School of Economics, and financed by the Chaire Ministère du Développement Durable and the Labex OSE. The goal of this workshop is to give the opportunity for researchers interested in the field of regional and urban economics to attend presentations and exchange ideas. The RUES consists in an optional lunch followed by two or three presentations, with discussions. It has an international coverage as at least one foreign keynote speaker is invited to each session. To register for the seminar’s mailing list, please contact the organizers Laurent Gobillon and Miren Lafourcade. »