Dans un récent billet, nous évoquions le principe de l’évaluation par les pairs. Suite à cette évaluation, les chercheurs de l’ADIS publient leurs travaux dans des revues à comité de lecture, reconnues par l’Agence d’Évaluation de la Recherche et de l’Enseignement Supérieure (AERES). En voici la liste pour le quinquennal de janvier 2008 au 30 juin 2013 :
- Les membres actuels de l’ADIS (en gras)
- Abdelmoula & Etienne, 2010, “What Determines R&D Investment in French Firms: A Two-Part Hierarchical Model with Correlated Random”, The Economics of Innovation and New Technology , 19(1), 53-70.
- Aguiléra, Lethiais & Rallet, 2012, “Spatial and non-spatial proximity in inter-firm relations: An empirical analysis”, Industry and innovation, 19(3), 187-202.
- Aguiléra, Guillot & Rallet, 2012, “Mobile ICTs and physical mobility: Review and research agenda”, Transportation Research Part A, 46, 664-672.
- Aharonson, Baum & Plunket, 2008, “Inventive and Uninventive Clusters: The Case of Canadian Biotechnology”, Research Policy, 37(6).
- Avallone & Chédor, 2012, “Technological Profiles and Technology Trade Flows for Some European and OECD Countries”, International Business Research, 5(6).
- Avila, Chong & Perez, 2013, “Virtual bidding: a mechanism to mitigate market power in electricity markets”, Energy Economics, à paraître.
- Azevedo, Delarue & Meeus, 2013, “Mobilizing cities towards a low-carbon future: Tambourines, carrots and sticks”, Energy Policy, à paraître.
- Barlet, Crusson, Dupuch & Puech, 2011, “Des services échangés aux services échangeables : une application sur données françaises”, Economie et Statistique, 435-436, 105-124.
- Binet & Facchini, 2013, “Okun’s law in the french regions: a cross-regional comparison,” Economics Bulletin, 33(1), 420-433.
- Binet, Facchini & Koning, 2010, “Des déterminants de la dynamique entrepreneuriale dans les régions françaises”, Canadian Journal of Regional Science, 33.
- Bléhaut & Rathelot, 2012, “Expérimentation contrôlée contre appariement : le cas d’un dispositif d’accompagnement de jeunes diplômés demandeurs d’emploi”, Economie et Prévision, à paraître.
- Boufaden & Plunket, 2008, “Proximity and innovation: Do biotechnology firms located in the Paris Region benefit from localized technological externalities?”, Annales d’Economie et Statistique, 87/88.
- Boufaden & Plunket, 2008, “Proximité géographique et technologique au niveau intra-régional : Les biotechnologies en Ile-de-France”, Revue d’Economie Régionale et Urbaine, 3, 467-486.
- Bourreau, Dogan & Manant, 2010, “A review of the ladder of investment approach”,Telecommunications Policy, 34(11), 683-696.
- Briant, Combes & Lafourcade, 2010, “Dots to boxes: Do the Size and Shape of Spatial Units Jeopardize Economic Geography Estimations?”, Journal of Urban Economics, 67(3), 287-302.
- Briant, Combes & Lafourcade, “Product complexity, Quality of Institutions and the Pro-Trade Effect of Immigrants”, World Economy, à paraître.
- Carnis & Facchini, 2012, “Explications de l’évolution du nombre des dossiers pour dégâts de gibier indemnisés sur la période 1970 – 2007”, Economie rurale, 327-28, 126-142.
- Cecere, 2012, “Economics of soft innovation: A review article”, Economics of innovation and new technology, 21(8), 827-35.
- Cecere, 2009, “VoIP diffusion among new entrants: A path dependent process”, Industry and Innovation, 16 (2), 219-45.
- Cecere & Corrocher, 2012, “The intensity of Interregional cooperation in ICT projects: An empirical analysis based on the Framework Programme”, Regional studies, à paraître.
- Cecere & Corrocher, 2012, “The adoption of Internet calling among consumers in Italy: An empirical analysis”, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 79(3), 570-578.
- Cecere & Corrocher, 2011, “The intensity of VoIP usage in Great Britain: Users’ characteristics and firms’ strategies”, Telecommunications Policy , 35(6), 522-531.
- Cecere, Corrocher & Scarica, 2012, “Why do pirates buy music online? An empirical analysis on a sample of college students”, Economics Bulletin, 32(4), 2955-2968.
- Cecere & Rochelandet, 2012, “Modèles d’affaires numériques, exploitation des données personnelles”, Revue Française de Gestion, 111-124.
- Combes & Lafourcade, 2011, “Competition, Market Access and Economic Geography : Structural Estimation and Predictions for France”. Regional Science and Urban Economics, 41(6), 508-524.
- Combes, Lafourcade, Thisse & Toutain, 2011, “The Rise and Fall of Spatial Inequalities in France : A Long-Run Perspective”, Explorations in Economic History, 48, 243-271.
- Damijan, De Sousa & Lamotte, 2009, “Does international openness affect the productivity of local firms? Evidence from Southeastern Europe”, Economics of Transition, 17(3), 559-586.
- De Hauteclocque & Glachant, 2009, “Long-Term Energy Supply Contracts in European Competition Policy: Fuzzy not Crazy”, Energy Policy, 37(12), 5399-5407.
- De Sousa, Mayer & Zignago, 2012, « Market access in global and regional trade”, Regional Science and Urban Economics, 42(6), 1037-1052.
- De Sousa, 2012, “The currency union effect on trade is decreasing over time”, Economics Letters, 117(3), 917-920.
- De Sousa & Lochard, 2012, “Trade and colonial status”, Journal of African Economies, 21(3), 409-439.
- De Sousa & Lochard, 2011, “Does the single currency affect foreign direct investment?”, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 113(3), 553-578.
- De Sousa & Poncet, 2011, “How are wages set in Beijing?”, Regional Science and Urban Economics, 41(1), 9-19.
- De Sousa & Duval, 2010, “Geographic distance and remittances in Romania: out of sight, out of mind?”, International Economics, 121, 81-98.
- De Sousa, Mirza & Verdier, 2009, “Trade and the spillovers of transnational terrorism”, Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics, P&P, 145(IV), 453-461.
- De Sousa & Lamotte, 2009, “Séparation politique et désintégration commerciale”, Revue Economique, 2009, 60(4), 891-903.
- De Sousa & Lochard, 2009, “Histoire coloniale et commerce international”, Revue Economique, 60(3), 635-645.
- Dessante, Glachant, Perez & Rious, 2009, “L’insuffisance des signaux de localisation pour la coordination entre la production et le transport d’électricité dans les systèmes électriques libéralisés”, Revue Economique, 60(3), 819-83.
- Dessante, Glachant, Perez & Rious, 2008, “The diversity of design of TSOs”, Energy Policy , 36(9), 3323- 3332.
- Disdier, Tai, Mayer & Fontagné, 2010, “Bilateral Trade of Cultural Goods”, Review of World Economics, 145(4), 1-21.
- Dubois, Facchini, François & Foucault, 2009, “Un modèle explicatif du vote FNSEA aux élections des représentants des chefs d’exploitation aux Chambres d’Agriculture départementales 1995-2001”, Economie Rurale, 312, 32-51.
- El Harouri, Le Guel & Rochelandet, 2010, “L’entrelacement des pratiques culturelles et de l’usage des TIC”, Economie et Prévision, 194(3), 33-55.
- Etienne & Narcy, 2010, “The Gender Pay Gap across the Wages Distribution: a Comparison between Non-Profit and For-Profit Sectors”, Annales d’Economie et Statistique, 99/00, 67-90.
- Etienne, Skalli & Theodossiou, 2011, “Do Economic Inequalities Harm Health? Evidence from Europe”, Journal of Income Distribution, 20, 3-4.
- Etienne & Vignes, 2010, “What Influences the Price Formation on an Exchange Market? The Case of the Marseille Fish Market”, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 80, 50-67.
- Facchini, 2011, “Economic Freedom in Muslim Countries : an explanation using the theory of institutional path dependency”, European Journal of Law and Economics, 1-29.
- Facchini, 2010, “Religion, Law and Development: Islam and Christianity. Why the institution of freedom have not been discovered in Orient but in Occident?”, European Journal of Law and Economics, 29(1), 103-129.
- Facchini, 2010, “Une crise systémique?”, Revue d’économie financière, 3, 155-183.
- Facchini, 2008, “L’invention des institutions de la liberté en Europe : fragmentation politique, fragmentation géographique et religion”, Economie Appliquée, LXI(1), 71-106.
- Facchini, 2008, “Culture, diversité culturelle et développement économique : une mise en perspective critique des travaux récents”, Revue Tiers Monde, 4, 523-554.
- Facchini & Koning, 2010, “Quelle place pour l’entrepreneur dans l’explication de la croissance des PIB des régions françaises”, Canadian Journal of Regional Science, 33.
- Facchini & Magni-Berton, 2009, “Le syndicalisme agricole”, Economie Rurale, 312(4), 7-13.
- Facchini & Melki, 2013, “Efficient government size: France in the 20th century”, European Journal of Political Economy, 31, 1-14.
- Flacher & Perez, 2009, “Introduction au numéro thématique de l’économie des réseaux”,Revue d’Economie Industrielle, 127(3), 9-14.
- Galliano & Soulié, 2012, “Organizational and spatial determinants of the multi-unit firms : evidence from the French industry”, Regional Studies, 46(7), 907-926.
- Finon & Glachant, 2010, “Large-Scale Wind Power in Electricity Markets with Regular Papers”, Energy Policy, 38(7), 3131-3846.
- Galliano, Roux & Soulié, 2011, “ICT intensity of use and the geography of firms”, Environment and Planning A, 43, 67-86.
- Galliano, Lethiais & Soulié, 2008, “Faible densité des espaces et usages des TIC par les entreprises : besoin d’information ou de coordination ?”, Revue d’Economie Industrielle, 121(1), 41-64.
- Galliano, Roux & Soulié, 2008, “La diffusion des Technologie de l’Information et de la Communication au sein des espaces ruraux : analyse nationale et éclairage régional”, Economie Rurale, 293, 4-19.
- Glachant, Dubois & Perez, 2008, “Deregulating with no Regulator: Is The German Electricity Transmission Regime Institutionally Correct”, Energy Policy, 36(5), 1600-1610.
- Glachant, Perez, Rious, 2011, “Transmission Network Investment as an Anticipation Problem”, Review of Network Economics, 10(4), article 1.
- Guesmi & Rallet, 2012, “Web 2.0 et outils de coordination décentralisée. Un entrelacement des sphères privées et professionnelles”, Revue Française de Gestion, 38(224), 139-152.
- Guillin, 2012, “Estimations of tariff-equivalents in services sectors considering zero flows”, World Trade Review, à paraître.
- Guillin, 2012, “The impacts of regional trade agreements in force in Europe on trade in services”, Economics Bulletin, 32-1, 685-697.
- Guillin, 2011, “Comparison between FDI motivations in goods and services”, Economics Bulletin, 31-4, 2744-2756.
- Hallack & Glachant, 2009, Take-Or-Pay Contract Robustness: A Three Step Story Told by the Brazil-Bolivia Gas Case? Energy Policy, 37(2), 651-57.
- He, Delarue, D’haeseleer & Glachant, 2011, “A Novel Business Model for Aggregating the Values of Electricity Storage”, Energy Policy, 39(3), 1575-1585.
- Henriot, 2013, “Market Design with Wind: Managing Low-Predictability in Intraday Markets”, Energy Journal, à paraître.
- Huet, Plunket & Saussier, 2008, “La dimension spatiale dans le choix des collectivités de déléguer leurs services publics: le cas de la distribution d’eau en France”, Revue d’Economie Industrielle, 123(3).
- Keyaerts, Hallack, Glachant & D’haeseleer, 2010, “Gas market distorting effects of imbalanced gas balancing rules: Inefficient regulation of pipeline flexibility”, Energy Policy, 39(2), 865-876.
- Lafourcade & Paluzie, 2010, “European integration, FDI and the Geography of French Trade”, Regional Studies, 45(4), 419-439.
- Manant, 2010, “Coopération en R&D et hétérogénéité des compétences. Un modèle théorique”, Revue Economique, 61(5), 837-858.
- Marcon & Puech , 2010, “Measures of the Geographic Concentration of Industries: Improving Distance-Based Methods”, Journal of Economic Geography, 10(5), 745-762.
- Milcent & Rochut, 2009, “Tarification hospitalière et pratique médicale : la pratique de la césarienne en France”, Revue Economique, 60(2), 489-506.
- Müller & Tai, 2010, “Who opposes immigrants’ integration into the labor market ? The Swiss case”, Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics, IV, 741-767.
- Pajak, 2012, “Do Innovative Firms Rely on Big Secrets? An Analysis of IP Protection Strategies with the CIS 4 Survey”, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, à paraître.
- Perez & Ramos Real, 2008, “How to Make A European Market in Small and Isolated Electricity Systems? The Case of Canary Islands,” Energy Policy, 36(11), 4159-4167.
- Plunket, 2009, “Firms’ inventiveness and localized vertical R&D spillovers”, Journal of Innovation Economics, 4.
- Plunket & Torre, “Le retour de la politique industrielle en France : les pôles de compétitivité”, Economia e politica industriale, 3.
- Rious, Perez & Dessante, 2013, “Is combination of nodal pricing and average participation tariff the best solution to coordinate the location of power plants with lumpy transmission investments?”, Energy Economics, à paraître.
- Saguan, Perez & Glachant, 2009, “Le marché du temps réel comme le plus petit multiple commun des architectures de marché électrique”, Revue d’Economie Industrielle, 127(3), 69-88.
- Tai, 2009, “Market Structure and the Link between Migration and Trade”, Review of World Economics, 145(2), 225-249.
- Vandezande, Meeus, Belmans, Saguan & Glachant, 2010, “Well-Functioning Balancing Markets: A Prerequisite for Wind Power Integration”, Energy Policy, 38(7), 3146-3154.