Congratulations to Anne Janand for her new publication entitled : L’entreprise au risque du dire-vrai du philosophe : forces, faiblesses, opportunités et menaces de la parrêsia (with L. Maizeray, T. Brière et Y. Bazin) in Revue Internationale de Psychosociologie et de gestion des Comportements Organisationnels, n°54, p. 45-60.
This article investigates the field of management philosophy. This research aims to highlight the strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats associated with the presence of a philosopher in a company. Based on an interpretativist approach, the strategic importance of the presence of a company philosophy will be questioned through a qualitative analysis of an auto-ethnographic narrative. The article points out how a business philosopher finds himself in a position to say true. It then considers the advantages and disadvantages of using the service of a philosopher, which can be both “parrèsiaste” or skillful consultant.