Lisa Anoulies et Yannick Perez sont intervenus à la conférence FAERE (French Association of Environmental and Resource Economists) qui a eu lieu les 11 et 12 septembre 2014 à Montpellier. Vous trouverez ici le programme de la conférence.
Lisa Anoulies a présenté le travail suivant dans la session “régulation environnementale”: Heterogeneous firms in a cap-and-trade program.
Abstract: The paper develops a model of heterogeneous firms in monopolistic competition whose activity generates pollution regulated by a cap-and-trade program. The model first shows that in general equilibrium the level of the cap on emissions has no effect on firms’ profits and decision to enter or exit on the market. On the contrary, the initial allocation of allowances impacts firms’ decisions and aggregate economic variables: auctioning a lower share of allowances exacerbates the strategic attitude of firms toward the environmental policy wich results in a reallocation of resources toward the most productive firms. Finally, this strategic behavior of firms increases the cost of achieving the environmental objective.
Yannick Perez a présenté la travail suivant avec M. Petit et W. Kempton (Supélec, Paris) dans une session ayant pour thème l’énergie: Public policy strategies for electric vehicles and for vehicle to grid power.
Abstract: The paper aims is to define the possible efficient action of a public policy toward Electric Vehicles (EV) and Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) development. We will start our paper by a discussion on the market failures appealing for a public intervention in the EV and V2G activities. We then address four main dimensions of a coordinated public policy toward the development of an EV industry: 1) mitigate the currently high purchase price; 2) define a standard for infrastructure equipment, 3) facilitate development of grid services businesses, which will both improve the electric system and make EVs more economically competitive, and 4) define and initiate R&D programs to advance key EV components that still require research and development for successful EV introduction. In this paper, we will investigate current barriers to widespread EV deployment, review the state of art of public policies toward these problems, then we propose some remedies for each of the identified problems and advocate integrated public action to address these problems.