Jacques Bou Abdo soutiendra sa thèse intitulée ” Corporate Decision-Making for the Adoption of Cloud Computing: Economic and Organizational Factors “, effectuée sous la direction du Professeur Ahmed Bounfour, le mardi 7 décembre à l’Université Paris Saclay.
The adoption of disruptive technologies is a very critical decision affecting the survival and continuity of businesses, startups to multinationals. Many researchers and decision makers consider technology adoption as a decision each organization should evaluate and decide upon. But are organizations really free to decide whether to adopt a specific technology or not? Many businesses do not have the privilege to dictate its needs to vendors, its services to customers or its business models to competitors. In this work we study the organization’s decision on disruptive technology adoption at two levels. In the first level, we consider the economic forces (external forces) affecting the organization’s decision. More thoroughly, we look at the market’s response to disruptive technologies. In the second level, we consider the organizational forces (internal forces) affecting the organization’s decision. More thoroughly, we look at the organization’s needs and readiness for a disruptive technology. This work considers cloud computing as the studied disruptive technology and focuses its contribution on cloud computing adoption. In the organizational level, a Decision Support Solution is designed using collaborative filtering recommender systems to help decision makers evaluate their organizational needs and decide on the optimal technology mix suitable for their organization. In the economic level, the economic factors are modeled using Agent-Based Modeling. We consider cloud computing adoption in the 5G mobile networks as a specific case of cloud adoption. This specification is needed to allow accurate modeling of the economic factors. Two scenarios are considered, the first assumes perfect competition in the 5G market and the second assumes an oligopolistic market.
Composition du jury:
Thomas J Housel, Professeur, Naval Postgraduate School, CA, Rapporteur
Euripidis N. Loukis, Professeur, University of the Aegian, Rapporteur
Grazia Cecere, Professeure, Institut Mines-Telecom Business School, Examinatrice
Rolande Marciniak, Professeure Emérite, Université Paris-Nanterre, Examinatrice
Emmanuel Waller, Maitre de conférences HDR, Université Paris-Saclay, a Examinateur
Ahmed Bounfour, Professeur, Université Paris-Saclay , Directeur de thèse