Lydiane Nabec has recently published in The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (2022) his article written jointly with Arnaud Hélias, Hayo M. G. van der Werf, Louis-Georges Soler, Franck Aggeri, Jean-Yves Dourmad, Chantal Julia, Sylvain Pellerin, Bernard Ruffieux & Gilles Trystram: “Implementing environmental labeling of food products in France

Consumers increasingly demand information about the environmental impacts of their food. The French government is in the process of introducing environmental labeling for all food products. A scientific council was set up, and its main conclusions are presented in this article, through six questions: What environmental issues should be considered? What objective should be targeted? What data are needed, and for whom? What methods for assessing environmental impacts? Which environmental scores should be chosen? What label format should be proposed? By answering these questions and considering the context, the available data, the proposed methods and adjustments, and the knowledge of consumer perception of formats, the scientific council considers that a labeling scheme is feasible and relevant.