Logo RITM-UPSUD_def-2                                       ENS CACHAN
La prochaine séance du séminaire commun CES-ENS Cachan et RITM-UPSud aura lieu jeudi 05 mars 2015 de 14h à 15h30 à Sceaux (adresse exacte ci-dessous).
Nous aurons le plaisir de recevoir Grégory Corcos (Ecole Polytechnique) qui nous présentera «Trade Liberalization and the Link Between Firm-Level Services and Goods Trade” (avec Andrea Ariu, Holger Breinlich, Giordano Mion).
In this paper we study how trade in services and trade in goods interact at firm level by looking at the effects that goods trade barriers have on services trade, and vice-versa. Using Belgian firms that trade both goods and services during the period 1995-2005, we find evidence of a strong complementarity between trade in goods and trade in services. In particular, a reduction in the average trade barriers for the goods exported by one firm to a particular market has a positive effect on its services exports to that market. Likewise, a reduction in average goods import tariffs increases services imports. We find similar effects for reductions in services trade barriers on goods trade. We offer a discrete choice model of goods and services sourcing decisions. We then proceed to the structural estimation of that model to assess the impact of goods trade liberalization on services imports, and vice-versa. Our results contribute to a better understanding of policy spillovers between goods and services trade liberalization.
Lieu du séminaire:
Université Paris Sud – Faculté Jean Monnet
Salle Gaudemet
Bâtiment D – 1er étage
54, Boulevard Desgranges , Sceaux
RER B Station Robinson
Le programme du séminaire pour l’année 2014-2015 est disponible ici.
Les organisateurs
Nathalie Etchart-Vincent
José de Sousa