Legitimacy of Front-of-Pack Nutrition Labels: Controversy Over the Deployment of the Nutri-Score in Italy
Lydiane Nabec has recently published in International Journal of Health [...]
Lydiane Nabec has recently published in International Journal of Health [...]
Félicitations à Corinne Chevalier pour la publication d'un article de [...]
The next RITM Management Seminar will take place on Friday [...]
Clément Sternberger soutient sa thèse, intitulée « Le management stratégique [...]
Le dopage n’est que très rarement la pratique d’un athlète [...]
The next RITM Management Seminar will take place on Friday [...]
L’approche de l’antidopage de Fabien Gargam, chercheur associé à l’université [...]
Congratulations to Ahmed Bounfour who published a new book Platforms [...]
The next RITM Management Seminar will take place on Friday [...]
The next RITM Management Seminar will take place on Friday [...]