Vincent Giaccobi at the Joint Economics & Finance Seminar
The Joint Economic & Management Finance Research seminar will take [...]
The Joint Economic & Management Finance Research seminar will take [...]
On behalf of all RITM members, I send my warmest [...]
Congratulations to Laura Kreiling and Ahmed Bounfour for their article [...]
Félicitations à Sandra Charreire Petit qui a publié son article [...]
The first RITM Management Seminar will take place on Thursday [...]
Congratulations to Philippe Gillet and Phuong Le for their article [...]
The European Chair in Intangible Assets is co-organizing the 5th [...]
Fabien Gargam vient de publier un nouvel article intitulé "Sportifs [...]
The Joint Economic & Management Finance Research seminar took place [...]
Les résultats de recherche de la Chaire Européenne de l’Immatériel [...]