Patrice Cailleba a soutenu son HDR
M. Patrice Cailleba a soutenu une Habilitation à Diriger les [...]
M. Patrice Cailleba a soutenu une Habilitation à Diriger les [...]
Claire Lelarge published her article “Firm Size, Quality Bias and [...]
On behalf of all RITM members, I send my warmest [...]
The next RITM Economics Seminar will take place on Monday [...]
Camille Hémet a soutenu son Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches [...]
Congratulations to Laura Kreiling and Ahmed Bounfour for their article [...]
Félicitations à Sandra Charreire Petit qui a publié son article [...]
The next RITM Economics Seminar will take place on Monday [...]
Jean-Noël Senne was a visiting lecturer at University College London [...]
The first RITM Management Seminar will take place on Thursday [...]