Jean-Noël Senne has published his article entitled “Paired Data as a Way to Understand Links between Migrants and their Families (Middas)“, joint with Isabelle Chort (Université Paris Dauphine) et Flore Gubert (IRD-DIAL) in the review Tiers Monde. This paper provides a first assessment of the MIDDAS project, dedicated to the links between migrants originating from Senegal and their origin households. Its originality lies in the matched data that it produced. They allowed original analyses on various questions relating to the decision-making and to the circulation of information and financial resources within transnational and “multi-sited” households.
Isabelle Chort, Flore Gubert, Jean-Noël Senne (2016). « Des données appariées pour mieux comprendre les liens entre migrants et familles d’origine (Middas) », Revue Tiers Monde – Hors Série 2016, Armand Colin