PSBAlexis Pokrovsky attended the workshop “Micro-foundations of Dynamic Capabilities” organized by the newPIC chair and KIMO Research group, as part of the program of AIMS research group “Resources, Competences, and Dynamic Capabilities” on March 22 and 23. He presented the paper entitled “Feeding proximity to shape opportunities: a case study of entrepreneurs’ cognition” co-autored with Aurore Haas from PSL, Université Paris-Dauphine, Recherche en Management, Management et Organisation.
What is the role of cognitive capacities in the micro foundations of dynamic capabilities? To answer this question, we have conducted a qualitative case study on a group of entrepreneurs belonging to the food truck scene, in a suburban area near Paris. This study highlights that evaluation and creation are distinct phases in the process of shaping opportunities, mobilizing different cognitive capacities. Throughout the evaluation phase, individual experience and values, resource identification and risk assessment play a critical role, while during the creation phase, entrepreneur’s reflexivity, the ability to manage temporality and social cognition and creativity are essential factors for the venture’s success.