Logo RITM-UPSUD_def-2                                           ENS CACHAN
La prochaine séance du séminaire commun CES-ENS Cachan et RITM-UPSud aura lieu jeudi 9 avril 2015 (14h-15h30) à Sceaux (adresse exacte ci-dessous). Nous aurons le plaisir de recevoir Andreas Moxnes (U. Oslo). Il nous présentera “Production Networks, Geography and Firm Performance” (Avec Andrew B. Bernard et Yukiko U. Saito).
This paper examines the importance of buyer-supplier relationships, geography and the structure of the production network in firm performance. We develop a simple model where firms can outsource tasks and search for suppliers in different locations. Low search and outsourcing costs lead firms to search more and find better suppliers. This in turn drives down the firm’s marginal production costs. We test the theory by exploiting the opening of a high-speed (Shinkansen) train line in Japan which lowered the cost of passenger travel but left shipping costs unchanged. Using an exhaustive dataset on firms’ buyer-seller linkages, we find significant improvements in firm performance as well as creation of new buyer-seller links, consistent with the model.
Lieu du séminaire:
Université Paris Sud – Faculté Jean Monnet
Salle Gaudemet
Bâtiment D – 1er étage
54, Boulevard Desgranges , Sceaux
RER B Station Robinson
Le programme du séminaire pour l’année 2014-2015 est disponible ici.
Les organisateurs
Nathalie Etchart-Vincent
José de Sousa