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Ingrid Dallmann has participated at the EAERE-FEEM-VIU European Summer School on The Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change (http://www.feem-web.it/ess/ess14/01index.html), that took place at Venice, on July 6th- 12th.
Summer school topic presentation:
There is no doubt that both adaptation and mitigation will be necessary to reduce the impact of anthropogenic global warming on the economy. The objective of the School is to provide tools and methods to understand how economists frame the problem of adaptation to climate change. The lectures will start with an introduction to the theory of adaptation to climate change and will then focus on specific sectors or impacts – tropical cyclones, agriculture, forestry and ecosystems, water. Two final lectures will introduce the use of integrated assessment modeling tools to study optimal adaptation to climate change.
Besides the courses, students have presented their research. Ingrid Dallmann presented for the first time, her draft “Dengue, Weather and Urbanization in Brazil”.
Since two decades, the population affected by dengue disease is exponentially increasing and dengue is now affecting more than 100 million people in the world. It ranks behind malaria as the second most important vector-borne disease in the world and the first one in Latin America. Despite the important economic and social cost of the uncontrollable growth of the disease, little economic analysis has been devoted to it. In addition to weather, socio-economic factors such as urbanization and sanitary systems play an important role in the proliferation of dengue. In this paper, we use econometric methods to test the widely claimed but rarely proven effect of urbanization and weather factors on dengue case proliferation. We also try to identify which particular characteristics of urbanization affect dengue. The analysis is done in Brazilian states during 2001-2012, since Brazil is the most affected country in Latin America.