Amélie Clauzel, Nathalie Guichard, and Valérie Nicolas-Hémar published their paper “Between dissonance and confusion: When the Nutri-Score as a nutritional signal is misinterpreted, in Food Policy.

Abstract: The introduction of a mandatory front-of-package nutrition label across the European Union is generating fierce controversy. Specifically, the Nutri-Score has been under debate, which has been reflected in the media. Drawing on signaling theory, this article aims to investigate how some consumers make sense of the Nutri-Score as a signal of nutritional quality in this noisy environment. First, a study analyzes how the media communicates about the Nutri-Score. Second, 15 semi-structured interviews examine how women with children interpret and use the Nutri-Score. Our findings show that media coverage of the Nutri-Score becomes ambiguous over time and that these women experience confusion due to cognitive dissonance and lack of knowledge. This article contributes to the literature on nutrition labeling and highlights the risks of confusion in interpreting this signal of nutritional quality. It suggests implications for policymakers and economic actors to promote the use of the Nutri-Score while reducing information asymmetry.

Read the full article here: [Link]