Un numéro spécial de Systèmes d’Information et Management vient de paraître, sur le cloud computing. Ce numéro a été coordonné par Ahmed Bounfour, Valérie Fernandez et Emmanuel Waller.
Ce numéro intègre un article de Xiaolin Cheng intitulé: Cloud computing decision-making using a fuzzy AHP approach.
The increasing number of cloud service users renders it critical for firms to select cloud service suppliers that suit all company business strategies and goals. From the literature review, we found a lack of research addressing the interdependence of decision criteria. In this study, we address this crucial research gap by presenting an integrative research model that combines fuzzy logic theory and the analysis hierarchy process (AHP). We use this model to holistically evaluate cloud providers focused on PaaS and IaaS with predetermined criteria. The simulation results reveal a correlation between decision criteria, and cloud provider performance is found to vary considerably.
Systèmes d’information & management 2015/4 (Volume 20). 148 pages.